Southern California AirShow 2023

Full-Time Work – 2023

Events & Merchandise

MARCH ARB  Riverside, CA


Project Background and Purpose

Merch Is In The Air

It was my honor to work with America’s Air Force and present for Option One Solar at the 2023 Southern California Air Show at the March Air Reserve Base

Earlier in the year, a friend and co-worker at Option One offered to let me represent the company for a “ride-along” to test planes’ in-air fueling systems. Because of that trip, I met quite a few of the great people that serve in the Air Force Reserve. One of the people I met was in charge of finding vendors for the Air Show.

Of course, I jumped on the opportunity to become a part of that. I am an opportunist in every sense of the word, and I take full advantage of each one that comes my way.

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